The Body is a Glorified Hotel

The body is a glorified hotel —

A mass of straining, struggling,

Yet stalwart muscle,

Connected epidermal islands,

Fiery planets of unexplored sensations,

A confounding, often confused internal cosmos

Guided by the searing stars of instinct, faith,

Hope, fear, and imagination —

We are forced to facilitate, vacate

By the all-seing, almighty

God of expectation, time

By society’s forced worship 

At the bloodstained altar of material gain,

Its hivelike mentality,

Its machinelike ability

To make us forever stand in service,

Warehousemen at the assembly line,

Of producing the same bland, generic

Culturally acceptable product

For as long as this hotel

Is in our name.

The body is a glorified hotel —

Roof slumping, insecure, shaking

By the gale force winds

Of the irritated, swollen sting.

The punching fist of judgement

Towards the curve of the mouth,

The gleam in the eyes,

The hue of the skin,

The gender, abilities

Of the singular building,

Our body, our flesh,

In which we are sole inhabitant,

The singular palace in which we are born.

Though the walls are frequently claustrophobic, confining

And the constant familiarity of our own company

Is simultaneously too much and too little,

Too routine and too alien,

This glorified hotel, our body, our flesh,

Is our shelter, perfect imperfections and all,

For which we are custodian, defender, builder,

Occupant, owner, manager,

The beacon, the light keeper, all.

We are the carpenter, architect.

The interior blueprint designs are uniquely,

Beautifully our own,

In this body, glorified hotel

Planted proudly in the soil of self:

A glorious, gaudy construction

That we should be able to

Freely decorate, illuminate,

Facilitate, commemorate —

A glorious, gaudy construction

Which we should be happy

To liberate, dwell

Past the horizons of sight, sound,

The physical plane,

Into the aftermath of memory,

The aftermath of grit, grain, pain,

The aftermath of now.

Andrew Buckner is a multi-award-winning filmmaker and screenwriter. A noted poet, author, actor, critic, and experimental musician, he runs and writes for the review site

Andrew Buckner

Andrew Buckner is a multi-award-winning filmmaker and screenwriter. A noted poet, author, actor, critic, and experimental musician, he runs and writes for the review site


Stingrays Asleep


Statewide-Lockdown, Day Thirty-Eight