No Mirror

We have read what Adorno said. No more

poetry after Auschwitz. But we let

history allow itself to rhyme. To

be didactic, to be abstract. We have

redacted genocide. After Gaza,

we hold no mirror. Art will not suffice.

Michael Sevigny lives in Oregon. He has been published in Eugene, Oregon’s art zine Graffiti, and he has written program notes for a retrospective of the work of Federico Fellini for Art House Eugene. He is writing a book of essays on the films of Brian De Palma.

Michael Sevigny

Michael Sevigny lives in Oregon. He has been published in Eugene, Oregon’s art zine Graffiti, and he has written program notes for a retrospective of the work of Federico Fellini for Art House Eugene. He is writing a book of essays on the films of Brian De Palma.


Parallels and Meridians

